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- <title>Eudora Light Windows User Manual</title>
- <p>
- <HR>
- <p>
- <H3><A NAME="HDR19">Creating an Outgoing Message</A></H3>
- An outgoing message is a message you send to someone else.
- <p>
- To create an outgoing message, select <B>New Message </B>from the
- <B>Message</B> menu. A new Outgoing message window entitled No
- Recipient, No Subject is displayed with the blinking insertion point
- situated at the start of the To: field. The composition window
- consists of the title bar, the icon bar, the message header, and the
- message body.
- <dl>
- <dt><b>Title Bar</b>
- <dd>The title bar provides information about incoming and outgoing
- messages, including the name of the sender (if it is an incoming
- message) or addressee (if it is an outgoing message), the time and
- date the message was delivered or sent, and a brief message
- summary. New messages are labeled No Recipient, No Subject until
- they are sent or queued. Queued messages do not have a time stamp
- until they are sent.
- <p>
- <dt><b>Icon Bar</b>
- <dd>The icon bar consists of a series of objects that are displayed just
- under the title bar. It allows you to control your message's priority,
- override some of your preference settings for that message only, and
- send or queue the message. There are three combo boxes and six
- buttons. Each of the six buttons may be turned on or off for the
- current message by clicking on it. If there is a shadow around the
- button (indicating that the button is depressed) the button is turned
- on. The popup menus and buttons are described below.
- <p>
- <b>Priority Combo Box</b>
- <br>
- The leftmost object in the icon bar
- is the Priority combo box. For most messages, the priority is
- (Normal). If you want to indicate that your message is of higher or
- lower priority than a normal message, use this combo box. Priorities
- are discussed in the "Message Priorities" section.
- <p>
- <b>Signature Combo Box</b>
- <BR>
- The Signature combo box allows you to automatically attach
- your signature to the end of each message you send. Signatures are
- discussed in the "Creating a Signature" section.
- <p>
- <b>Attachment Type Combo Box</b>
- <BR>
- The Attachment Type combo
- box allows you to select what format documents that you attach to
- outgoing messages are encoded in Multipurpose Internet Mail
- Extensions (MIME;) or Bin Hex. MIME is best for recipients with
- MIME (for more information on MIME, see Appendix D) and Bin Hex
- is most compatible with old Macintosh mailers and previous versions
- of Eudora.
- <p>
- <b>Quoted-Printable Encoding</b>
- <BR>
- If this button is on, quoted-printable encoding may be
- used when sending messages that contain long lines of text or special
- characters. When on, it is used for all attachments. It is
- recommended that this button always be on.
- <p>
- <b>Text As Document </b>
- <BR>
- If this button is on, plain text files attached to messages
- are incorporated into the message as part of the message body.
- <p>
- <b>Word Wrap</b>
- <BR>
- If this button is on, a carriage return is not required at the end of
- each line you type in an outgoing message; Eudora automatically
- wraps text to the next line, with line breaks at roughly 76 characters
- per line.
- <p>
- <b>Tabs in Body</b>
- <BR>
- If this
- button is on, hitting the [tab] key within the message body results in
- Eudora inserting enough spaces to move
- the insertion point to the next tab stop. This mimics the way tabs
- work on many terminals. If this
- button is not on, hitting the [tab] key returns the caret to the To: field
- of the message header.
- <p>
- <b>Keep Copy</b>
- <BR>
- If this
- button is on, a copy of each sent message is kept in the Out mailbox
- (their summaries are marked with an "S" in the far left column of the
- Out mailbox window, indicating that they have been sent). These
- messages are saved until they are deleted or transferred to a
- different folder.
- <p>
- <b>Send or Queue</b>
- <BR>
- If the
- Immediate Send option in the Settings dialog (Sending Mail) is
- turned on, the rightmost button in the icon bar is labeled Send.
- Clicking the Send button immediately sends the message. Otherwise,
- this button is labeled Queue, and has the same function as the Queue
- for Delivery command under the Message menu (upon clicking this
- button, the message window closes and the message is held in the
- Out mailbox, marked ready for delivery).
- <p>
- <dt><b>Message Header</b>
- <dd>Outgoing message headers consist of six fields: To:, From:,
- Subject:,
- Cc:, Bcc:, and Attachments:. Each field holds a different piece of
- information. The To:, Subject:, Cc:, and Bcc: fields can be directly
- edited.
- <p>
- To move the insertion point from field to field, press the [tab] key or
- click in the desired field with the mouse. When entering information
- into the fields, you can use the standard Windows text-editing tools
- provided under the Edit menu. Here is a brief description of the
- intended contents of each field:
- <p>
- <b>To:</b>
- <BR>
- The intended recipient's e-mail address, or a nickname you have
- defined (see the "Creating and Using Nicknames" section).
- Multiple addresses are allowed, but must be separated by
- commas.
- <p>
- <b>From:</b>
- <BR>
- The sender's e-mail address. This is usually your POP account plus
- your real name. You can use a return address other than your POP
- account by entering the desired address in the Return Address field
- of the Settings dialog (Personal Information).
- <p>
- <b>Subject:</b>
- <BR>
- Brief text indicating the contents of the message. This field can be
- left blank (though it is a breach of e-mail etiquette to do so).
- <p>
- <b>Cc:</b>
- <BR>
- E-mail address or nickname of person to whom a copy of the
- message is to be sent. Multiple addresses are allowed but must be
- separated by commas. This field may be left blank.
- <p>
- <b>Bcc:</b>
- <BR>
- "Blind" carbon copy. Like addresses listed in the Cc: field,
- addresses listed here receive copies of the message. Unlike
- addresses listed in the Cc: field, addresses listed here do not appear
- in the message header of the recipients. This is useful when you
- want to send a copy of a message to someone without everyone else
- knowing you did so. Multiple addresses are allowed but must be
- separated by commas. This field can be left blank.
- <p>
- <b>Attachments:</b>
- <BR>
- List of documents being sent along with the message. Specify these
- through the Attach Document command under the Message menu
- (see the "Attachments" section). To delete an attachment
- from a message, select it by single-clicking on the attachment title
- and press the [delete] key. You cannot enter information directly
- into this field. This field can be left blank.
- <p>
- <dt><b>Message Body</b>
- <BR>
- <dd>After filling in the fields, move the insertion point to the space below
- the message header. Type the body of the message here. Feel free
- to use the standard Windows text-editing tools provided under the
- Edit menu (see the "Summary of Menu Commands"
- section).
- <p>
- If the Word Wrap button on the icon bar is turned on, you don't need
- to press [Enter] at the end of each line of text. The text wraps to the
- next line automatically. If this option is not set, be sure to type
- [Enter] at the end of each line or your message may not be legible on
- the recipient's computer. To use tabs in the message body, press the
- Tabs in Body button in the icon bar.
- <p>
- </dl>
- </dl>
- <p>
- <HR>
- <p>
- <H3><A NAME="HDR30">Saving an Outgoing Message for Later
- Changes</A></H3>
- Sometimes it is convenient to save an outgoing message either as a
- safeguard when typing long messages, or so you can return to it later
- to edit or add more text.
- <p>
- To save the message while the outgoing message window is open,
- select <B>Save</B> from the <B>File</B> menu. The message window
- does not close, but the current version of the message is saved in the
- Out mailbox. You might notice that the title appearing at the top of
- the message window changes from No Recipient, No Subject to what
- you typed in the To: and Subject: fields of the message.
- <p>
- If you now close the message (by clicking the close box in the upper
- left-hand corner of the message window, or by selecting <B>Close</B>
- from the <B>File</B> menu), it can be re-opened from the Out mailbox
- for further changes. As with any message summary listed in a
- mailbox window, it can be identified by the contents of its To: and
- Subject: fields. A bullet (· ) in the far left column of a message
- summary listed in the Out mailbox indicates that the message is
- being indefinitely held there and is queueable. Such messages
- remain in the Out mailbox until they are queued and sent or
- deleted.
- <p>
- If you try to close an outgoing message window without specifically
- saving that version of the message, an alert is displayed asking if the
- message should be saved or the changes discarded. If you select
- Discard and the message has never been saved, the message is
- deleted.
- <p>
- <p>
- <HR>
- <p>
- <H3><A NAME="HDR31">Sending A Message</A></H3>
- <A HREF="#HDR32">One-Step Send</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR33">Two-Step Send</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR34">Timed Messages</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR35">Sending Queued Messages on
- Check</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR36">Quitting with Queued Messages</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR37">Editing a queued message</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR38">Changing the Status of a Queued
- Message</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR39">Keeping Copies of Outgoing
- Messages</A>
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR32">One-Step Send</A></H4>
- If the Immediate Send option in the Switches dialog is turned on,
- select <B>Send Immediately</B> from the <B>Message</B> menu to
- immediately send a current message. Alternatively, the rightmost
- button appearing in the icon bar at the top of the current message
- window is labeled Send. Click this button to send the current
- message.
- <p>
- A progress window is displayed momentarily at the top of the screen
- indicating the progress of the transmission.
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR33">Two-Step Send</A></H4>
- Some people may prefer to compose many messages and transmit
- them all at once. Eudora lets you queue messages in the Out mailbox
- for delivery at a later time (this is particularly handy if you are not
- always connected to your network when using Eudora). However,
- this is only possible if the Immediate Send option in the Settings
- dialog (Sending Mail) is turned off.
- <p>
- To accomplish the first step for any outgoing current message, select
- <B>Queue For Delivery</B> from the <B>Message</B> menu.
- Alternatively, the rightmost button appearing in the icon bar at the
- top of the current message window is labeled Queue. Click this
- button to queue the current message for later delivery.
- <p>
- Either of these selections closes the message window (if it was open),
- saves the message in the Out mailbox and marks it as queued,
- meaning ready to be delivered. Queued messages are marked by a
- "Q" in the far left column of the Out mailbox.
- <p>
- For the second step, select <B>Send Queued Messages</B> from the
- <B>File</B> menu. This sends the queued message (or messages). A
- progress window is displayed momentarily at the top of the screen
- indicating the progress of the transmission.
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR34">Timed Messages</A></H4>
- It is possible to tell Eudora to send a message at some specific time in
- the future. To do this for the current outgoing message, select
- <B>Change Queueing...</B> from the <B>Message</B> menu. The
- Change Queueing dialog is then displayed.
- <p>
- If you choose Right Now, the message is sent immediately upon
- clicking the OK button. If you choose Next Time Queued Messages
- are Sent, the message is sent the next time queued messages are
- sent. If you choose On or After, you can use the time and date fields
- to fill in the time when the message should be sent. The message is
- saved in the Out mailbox with a Q in the status column, just as if it
- were a normal queued message. However, the message is not
- actually sent until the specified time arrives.
- <p>
- <i>Note: For the message to be sent at the correct time,
- Eudora must be running when the message is due to be sent. If
- Eudora is not running, the message is sent the first time Eudora is
- run after the selected time has passed.</i>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR35">Sending Queued Messages on Check</A></H4>
- If the Send on check option in the Settings dialog (Sending Mail) is
- turned on, every time a manual or automatic mail check occurs, all
- queued messages are sent, thus saving you the step of selecting Send
- Queued Messages.
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR36">Quitting with Queued Messages</A></H4>
- If you quit Eudora after you have queued messages, but without
- sending them using Send Queued Messages, Eudora gives you the
- opportunity to send the messages before you quit.
- <p>
- If you quit with timed messages, and the messages are due to be
- sent within the next 12 hours, Eudora warns you and gives you the
- opportunity to send them.
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR37">Editing a queued message</A></H4>
- To edit a queued message, open the Out mailbox and double-click on
- the desired message summary to open its composition window.
- Make the necessary edits and re-queue the new version of the
- message with the Queue For Delivery or Change Queueing...
- commands from the Message menu or the Save command from the
- File menu. You can also re-queue the message using the Queue
- button on the icon bar. The message is returned to the Out mailbox
- with a queued status. If you close the changed message without
- choosing one of these, an alert is displayed asking you to verify the
- changes.
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR38">Changing the Status of a Queued
- Message</A></H4>
- A message that is queued but as yet unsent may be unqueued using
- the Change Queueing... command. Open the Out mailbox and select
- the desired message summary. Then, select <B>Change
- Queueing...</B> from the <B>Message</B> menu and click on <B>Don't
- Send</B>. This changes the message status from queued (Q) to saved
- (S). The message is held in the Out mailbox until it is either deleted or re-
- queued and sent.
- <p>
- <i>Note: You can also send a message immediately or change
- it to timed send using the Change Queueing... command.</i>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR39">Keeping Copies of Outgoing
- Messages</A></H4>
- Once a message is sent, it is put into the Trash mailbox unless the
- Keep copies of outgoing mail option in the Settings dialog (Sending
- Mail) is turned on or the Keep Copy button in the icon bar is on. In
- these cases, the message is left in the Out mailbox and is annotated
- with an S in the far left column of the Out mailbox indicating that the
- message has been sent.
- <p>
- <p>
- <HR>
- <p>
- <H3><A NAME="HDR40">Password Protection</A></H3>
- There is password protection on mail checks to your account on the
- POP server. Each time the Eudora program is opened, your password
- is requested prior to the first mail check, whether it is conducted
- automatically or manually. If automatic checking is set in the
- Settings dialog (Checking Mail), a dialog requesting your POP server
- account password is displayed upon first opening Eudora. If
- automatic checking is disabled, the same dialog is displayed at the
- time of your first mail check.
- <p>
- Type in your password and click <B>OK</B>. If you make a mistake
- before clicking OK, simply backspace and re-enter the password
- correctly.
- <p>
- If your password is rejected, an error message is displayed indicating
- that you have entered the wrong password (see below). Select
- <B>Check Mail</B> from the <B>File</B> menu to redisplay the
- password dialog.
- <p>
- <i>Note: Remember that the Eudora password may be case-
- sensitive (depending on your POP server), so it must be typed in
- exactly or it is rejected.</i>
- <p>
- As long as it is running, Eudora remembers your password. If you
- don't want it to remember (when, for example, you are away from
- your PC), select <B>Forget Password</B> from the <B>Special</B>
- menu. At your next mail check you are prompted for your password
- again.
- <p>
- Another password-related option is Save password, which is in the
- Settings dialog (Checking Mail). This option makes Eudora remember
- your password from one session to the next (you NEVER have to
- enter your password again, even if you quit and restart Eudora).
- This option should only be used if your PC is in a secure location.
- <p>
- Finally, the Change Password... command in the Special menu can be
- used to change your POP server password if your POP server
- machine is running a compatible password-change server. You'll be
- asked to enter your old password once, and your new password
- twice.
- <p>
- <i>Note: For information on password-change servers, see
- <A HREF="#HDR214">Appendix A, Password Change Server</A> of this
- manual.</i>
- <p>
- <HR>
- <p>
- <H3><A NAME="HDR41">Checking For and Receiving Mail</A></H3>
- <A HREF="#HDR42">Automatic Checking</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR43">Manual Checking</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR44">Leave Mail on Server Option</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR45">Skip Messages Option</A>
- <BR>
- <A HREF="#HDR46">Stopping a Mail Check</A>
- <p>
- The POP server is the machine where your mail is received and
- stored until it is transferred to the Eudora program on your PC. Your
- POP server account is specified in the POP Account setting in the
- Settings dialog (Getting Started).
- <p>
- <i>Note: To best understand the functioning of the POP
- server with respect to Eudora, please see <A HREF="#HDR223">Appendix
- C</A>.</i>
- <p>
- There are two methods to check your designated POP server to see if
- you have new mail. One method is automatic and the other is
- manual. Both methods deliver any mail addressed to you from the
- POP server to your PC. Before any checks are made, however, the
- POP server requests your account password.
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR42">Automatic Checking</A></H4>
- Eudora automatically checks for mail if you tell it how often to do so.
- From the <B>Special</B> menu, select <B>Settings...</B>. Then select
- Checking Mail. The Checking Mail settings include an option entitled
- Check for mail every ? minute(s). Type in a value and Eudora
- automatically checks for mail at the desired interval whenever it is
- running (even if you are using other applications on your PC). For
- example, if you type in 15, Eudora checks for mail every 15 minutes.
- In fact, 15 minutes is a good minimum interval, as checking mail
- more frequently puts an unnecessary load on your POP server.
- <p>
- <i>Note: If automatic checking is set, the Check Mail
- command under the File menu displays the next time that an
- automatic check is scheduled to occur.</i>
- <p>
- When Eudora does an automatic check, you can be notified of new
- mail in one or all of three different ways: an alert dialog, a special
- sound, or the opening of the In mailbox. These options are turned on
- or off in the Settings dialog (Getting Attention). In addition, if Eudora
- is minimized when new mail arrives, the minimize icon also changes
- when new mail arrives.
- <p>
- <i>Note: For the sound alert to work, you may need a sound
- driver for the PC speaker (see <A HREF="#HDR217">Appendix A, PC
- Speaker</A> for a source for this driver).</i>
- <p>
- When you receive notice that new mail has arrived, select Eudora
- from the task list or press [Alt] + [Tab] to switch to Eudora. Mail
- usually arrives in the In mailbox. The messages are listed in the
- order they are received, with the most recent message listed last.
- <p>
- If the In mailbox is not already oopen, select <b>In</b> from the
- <b>Mailbox</b> menu. Unread messages are designated by a bullet (· )
- in the far left column of the
- message summary. Double-click anywhere on a message summary
- to open the message. Incoming messages are saved indefinitely in
- the In mailbox until they are deleted or transferred to another
- mailbox.
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR43">Manual Checking</A></H4>
- You may check for mail manually at any time by selecting <B>Check
- Mail</B> from the <B>File</B> menu. If you haven't successfully
- entered your password since opening the Eudora program, you are
- prompted for it.
- <p>
- A Progress window is displayed momentarily at the top of the screen
- as the POP server is checked. If there is a problem reaching the POP server, an
- error message alert
- is displayed. To rectify the problem, review the POP server field in
- the Settings dialog (Getting Started) for correctness. If there is no
- obvious error, contact your company's Eudora support coordinator.
- <p>
- <i>Note: If you ever have a problem of this type, the
- numbers in the ()'s are very important. Record these numbers for
- reference when reporting the problem.</i>
- <p>
- If there is no mail waiting at your account on the POP server, the
- Sorry, you don't have any new mail alert is displayed. Click
- <B>OK</B>. You may check for mail again later.
- <p>
- If there is new mail, it is transferred automatically from the POP
- server to Eudora on your PC. A progress window is displayed at the
- top of your screen allowing you to monitor the mail transfer.
- <p>
- If the Use an alert dialog box option in the Settings dialog (Getting
- Attention) is turned on, the You have new mail alert is displayed,
- stating that new messages have been delivered.
- <p>
- Depending on your settings, the In mailbox window may display.
- Mail arrives in the In mailbox. Unread messages in the In mailbox
- are designated by a bullet (· ) in the far left column of the message
- summary. Double-click anywhere on a message summary to open
- the message. Incoming messages are saved indefinitely in the In
- mailbox until they are deleted or transferred to another mailbox.
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR44">Leave Mail on Server Option</A></H4>
- During a mail check, Eudora normally transfers your incoming
- messages from your account on the POP server to your PC, and
- deletes them from the POP server. This may prove awkward for
- people who sometimes want to read mail from a secondary PC. It
- results in non-consolidated storage of messages -- if you read mail
- through a secondary PC, you wouldn't be able to act on that mail
- from your primary PC.
- <p>
- The Leave mail on server option in the Settings dialog (Checking
- Mail) solves this dilemma. If this option is turned on, Eudora
- transfers all of your new messages from the POP server to the PC you
- are presently using (presumably a secondary PC), while keeping
- copies of those messages in your account on the POP server. On the
- next mail check from the secondary PC, Eudora ignores the copies of
- previously read messages and looks for new ones.
- <p>
- When using your primary PC, you would then turn the Leave mail on
- server option off, so that all messages (new ones as well as copies of
- old ones you read through other PC systems) are transferred to and
- consolidated on the one primary system. The Leave mail on server
- option should be used with care, since it can result in a buildup of
- messages on the POP server machine.
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR45">Skip Messages Option</A></H4>
- If the Skip big messages option in the Settings dialog (Checking Mail)
- is turned on, Eudora does not download messages that exceed 40k
- bytes. Instead, it downloads only the first few lines of such
- messages and adds a note at the bottom stating that the whole
- message has not been transferred. This can be useful on slow
- connections. To download the complete message, click on the Fetch
- icon in the incoming message window (see the <A
- HREF="#HDR55">"Incoming Message Window"</A> section)
- and check mail again.
- <p>
- <H4><A NAME="HDR46">Stopping a Mail Check</A></H4>
- If you want to stop a mail check in the middle (because it is taking
- longer than anticipated), click the Stop button in the progress
- window or press the [Esc] key.
- <p>